Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thank God for Gift Cards!

So a friend and I go to lunch at our favorite place in Beverly Hills. We like an amazing steak every so often: The Grill on the Alley...

We are seated at a small table directly in front of a well-known A-list agent in a booth. I know him. Quite well actually. We make eye contact and do the obligatory hey-good-to-see-you nods. (Well-known A-list agent is a partner at one of the A-list agencies. He is sitting alone, clearly waiting for someone.)

Sidenote: A-list Agent has been trying to woo me for his agency for a few years now, but... I really haven't entertained the option.. The only thing that could really get me to leave? Would be partner status there...

Anyway, we go about ordering our lunch. A-lister is now joined by--what I can only assume is--one of his A-list actors and there is a bit of a stir in the restaurant. It's almost a little ridiculous. Come on, people. All things considered? This place is often filled with the biggest power players in the industry and some of them act like they have never seen seen a movie star up close, "Play it cool, play it cool. Look but don't be obvious about it."

I don't even care to eavesdrop or observe them. I'm just here for the steak, damn it!

We finish up our meals neck-and-neck with our A-listers neighbors. The actor conveniently excuses himself to use the facilities just as the check arrives.

And I shit you not: A-list Agent/Partner? Actually gives the server an Amex gift card first!!! I see it with my own two eyes! I clearly has word "Gift" emblazoned in large script across it. Then A-lister hands him a credit card saying, "And whatever is left? Can go on this."

I wish I could have seen my own expression when I witnessed this all happen!!!

A-list actor returns, the credit card receipt is delivered, A-lister Agent signs it and they depart together. Actor is non the wiser.

I guess this economy if getting the best--or the worst?--of everybody.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Win, Place, Show

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a jockey.

I have no idea where I got that idea from... I guess because I liked horses. Or maybe it came from the fact that when Dad got roped into spending "Quality Time" with the kids he would take us to the track...?

Well, the whole jockey thing didn't pan out.
I grew up and became a commercial agent instead. Duh.
(I happen to be pretty damn good at playing the ponies. Thanks, Dad!)

I am also pretty damn good at commercial agenting. Hell yeah, I'll admit it!
I'm a self-confessed workaholic with a trail of ex-friends, lovers, therapists and stomach issues to show for it. The only other people that seem to understand this rollercoaster career are other agents. How they make their relationships work? I'll never know.

One thing I have a lot of though? Experience. So if I can help, educate or entertain people out there with some of my stories and advice?

Why the hell not? My family and friends are tired of listening to me.